Terms & Conditions

Limited Affiliation

Herbal Awakenings, LLC (including any of its owners, employees or representatives) is not a medical practice or proclaiming to have the ability or knowledge to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Liability is removed from Herbal Awakenings LLC . Our advice should be taken as an opinion, your decision to follow it is to your own discretion. When appropriate,Herbal Awakenings, LLC refers interested clients to third party healthcare providers that maintain their own license, board certification, liability, etc. as relevant to that vendor. It is the client’s decision to pursue third parties.Herbal Awakenings, LLC is not liable or responsible for a client’s decision to seek third party services.

Herbal Awakenings, LLC is not employed by, compensated by, or officially partnered or affiliated with any third party healthcare provider, doctor, or other entity in a similar industry.

No advice

This website contains general information about medical conditions and treatments. The information is not intended to be medical advice replacing your physician or doctor, and should not be treated as such.

Before commencing any fitness regime, medical program, diet, supplement, you should first contact your doctor or medical provider. Do not ever quit, start, or change dosage of any medication (natural or pharmaceutical) without first consulting with your doctor. Herbal Awakenings, LLC does not proclaim to solely treat any disease or ailment. Any advice or suggestions featured on Herbal Awakenings, LLC should be first discussed with your doctor.