My Training
Trinity School of Natural Health Master Herbalist: August 2000
Intensive study of the properties of plants from all over the world
Gained insight into relevant benefits of botanicals for modern concerns
Understanding of nutritional components of herbs
Doctor of Naturopathy: December 2004
Foundations in supporting wellness with natural therapies
Educated in aromatherapy, flower essences, and homeopathics
Trained to examine the needs of the body, mind, and spirit
Instructed in total body nutrition
Health Kinesiology: January 2008
Studied the energetic release of physical toxicity, emotional traumas, & learning blocks
Completed all 10 levels
Trained in the Allergy Tap
Esogetic Colorpuncture: June 2008
Certified Colorpuncture Practitioner
Trained in application of colored light on acupoints to energeticly release emotional trauma and energetic blocks to wellness
Continuing Education in: Transmitter Relays, Addiction, and Pain
SomaEnergetics Professional Vibrational Sound Training: August 2009
Trained in sound therapies for:
instantaneous deep relaxation
improved mental clarity and brain function
reducing stress
increased blood flow
enhanced immune response
integrating the body and mind
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition: September 2014
Comprehensive training in hormones, immune system, digestion, detoxification, energy production, and the nervous system
Extensive functional lab assessments education
Detailed insight into formulating highly individualized targeted protocols
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition II: September 2015
Understanding MTHFR, Methylation, & Biochemistry Mastery: April 2016
Professional training in MTHFR gene mutations and methylation cycles
Instruction in utilizing functional nutritional therapies with MTHFR gene mutation
Trained in practical uses of genetic tests
Blood Sugar & Insulin Resistance Mastery: September 2016
Trained in science of glucose metabolism and insulin resistance
In-depth analysis of chemistry markers related to: glucose utilization, inflammation, renal function, liver function
Gained mastery in customized diets based upon biochemical individuality
Developed understanding of how nutrients and botanicals can positively affect insulin and glucose biochemical pathways
Mastering Functional Lab Test Analysis: April 2017
Highly detailed analysis of utilizing lab testing for the most complex cases
Learned to interpret hidden patterns in blood and urinary organic acids
Studied optimizing gut function and neurotransmitter activity
Trained in achieving autoimmune, thyroid, and endocrine balance
Educated in mold and biotoxin markers and protocols
FDN Advanced: Oxalates: July 2017
Extensive education in origins of Oxalate issues
Trained in professional Oxalate testing procedures
Gained mastery of Oxalate Lowering protocols
Emotion Code Certification Course: August 2017
Studied how trapped emotions can pain, physical and emotional stress
Learned how to identify and remove energetic heart walls.
Educated in releasing trapped emotions in adults, children, and pets
MCKS PRANIC HEALING® Level 1: November 2017
Learned the basics of working with the energy aura.
Studied techniques to clean away congested energy and supplement deficient areas of the aura and chakra energy centers.
Trained in the advanced methods to produce quicker, more effective results working with colored prana.
Educated in specialized energy procedures for boosting the immune system and triggering the body’s innate healing ability.
HeartMath Approved Add Heart Facilitator: February 2018
Learned HeartMath’s scientifically proven theories concerning the dialog of heart and brain.
Gained understanding in the application of the Inner Balance technology for improving health, productivity, and quality of life through emotional energy management techniques.
Level 1 Holistic EFT Practitioner: March 2018
Studied EFT fundamentals
Mastered EFT stress relief and emotional release technique
Learned how to clean away congested energy from the aura quickly and with crystals.
Studied best practices for supplementing deficient areas of the aura and chakra centers with crystals.
Learned Self-healing for tension, irritability, grief and anxiety.
Taught how to energetically purge negative programming acquired during childhood
Studied how to disintegrating negative energies and energetic patterns of such problems as compulsive behaviors, phobias, addictions to smoking, alcohol, drugs, food and sugar, and depression
Metabolic Healing Clinical Mentorship: March 2019
Acquired advanced interpretation skills for the OAT, DUTCH hormone test, and blood chemistry.
Studied navigation of complex illness and genetic expression
Attained knowledge of advanced protocol formulation
Desbio Chronic Infection Summit: May 2019
Learned how to implement homeopathic protocols for Lyme Disease, mold toxicity, EBV, HPV, chronic viruses, and candida
Craniobiotic Technique: October 2019
Taught hands on techniques for finding specific neurovascular “reflex points” on your cranium and upper body
Learned how to use gentle stimulation of those reflex point to energetically alert the brain of hidden health stressors
Mind Body Eating Coach Certification: June 2021
Taught a comprehensive mind, body, spirit approach to gain insight into our relationship with food and practical ways to transform it.
Covered in depth protocols and solutions for addressing body image, weight, overeating, binge eating, compulsive eating, chronic dieting, digestive issues, fatigue, immune challenges, and mood concerns